Thursday, December 26, 2019
Conjugate the French Verb Améliorer (to Improve)
If you really want to improve your French, then you need to learn the verb amà ©liorer, which means to improve. Its a regular verb and that makes it easy to conjugate. Follow this French lesson and youll be conjugating amà ©liorer like a pro. Conjugating the French Verb Amà ©liorer The French verb amà ©liorer is a tricky one to pronounce. With practice, youll get it. It sounds like [a may lyuh ray]. While the pronunciation is a bit of a challenge, conjugating it is not. That is because amà ©liorer is a regular -er verb, so it follows the pattern used for verbs like aider (to help) and accepter (to accept). You will simply change the ending according to the rules used for all regular -er verbs. To conjugate amà ©liorer, you need to change the ending to match the subject pronoun -- the j, tu, il, nous, etc. -- and the tense of the sentence. For example, to say I improve, you will say jamà ©liore. This chart will help you study the conjugations for the various forms of amà ©liorer. It includes the present, future, imperfect past, and present participle tenses. You should focus on the present and future as well as the passà © composà © below. Subject Present Future Imperfect j amliore amliorerai amliorais tu amliores amlioreras amliorais il amliore amliorera amliorait nous amliorons amliorerons amliorions vous amliorez amliorerez amlioriez ils amliorent amlioreront amlioraient The Present Participle of Amà ©liorer As with other French verbs, amà ©liorer has a present participle, which is amà ©lioant. Beyond usage as a verb, it can also become an adjective, gerund, or even a noun. Essentially, it transforms the word from to improve into improving. Another Past Tense of Amà ©liorer Passà © composà ©Ã‚ is the most common form of past tense used in the French language. This makes your conjugations of amà ©liorer easier. Instead of memorizing all the imperfect forms, you can concentrate on this one. In order to form the phrase properly, you will need the auxiliary verb, which is avoir in this case. You also need to know the past participle of amà ©liorer, which is amà ©liorà ©. With those elements, you can then say I improved. In French, this is jai amà ©liore. Likewise, to say we improved, you will say nous avons amà ©liore. The ai and avons in the examples are the conjugates of the verb avoir. More Conjugations of Amà ©liorer Those are the easy conjugations and the ones you will use most often. There are other forms of the verb that you should at least be aware of. Consider adding the subjunctive and conditional forms to your French studies as they both express mood and are in frequent use. The subjunctive verb mood expresses that the verb has a certain degree of uncertainty. The conditional verb mood implies that the action will only happen under certain circumstances. The passà © simple and imperfect subjunctive forms of amà ©liorer are less important. These are used primarily in formal writing. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive j amliore amliorerais amliorai amliorasse tu amliores amliorerais amlioras amliorasses il amliore amliorerait amliora amliort nous amliorions amliorerions amliormes amliorassions vous amlioriez amlioreriez amliortes amliorassiez ils amliorent amlioreraient amliorrent amliorassent You will need to know one more conjugation for amà ©liorer and that is the imperative form. This is used in short sentences that demand or request something. The difference here is that youre not required to use the subject pronoun. Instead of nous amà ©liorons, you can simply say amà ©liorons. Imperative (tu) amliore (nous) amliorons (vous) amliorez Amà ©liorer Put to Use Lets use amà ©liorer in context with a couple of sample sentences. I want to improve my French before I leave. Je veux amà ©liorer mon franà §ais avant de partir.Were going to do some improvements at our house. Nous allons amà ©liorer notre maison. You might also be interested in words that are similar to amà ©liorer as these will be useful in expanding your French vocabulary. amà ©liorable (adj) - improvableune amà ©lioration - improvement, bettermentamà ©liorant (adj) - soil-improving
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